Who are the Northern Tweedsters? Cycling and walking with a retro twist

The Northern Tweedsters
As a cycling and walking enthusiast, I often like to read about what our friends in the UK are up-to. I've recently come across a wonderful group of enthusiasts in the North West who love walking, cycling,….. and tweed!
This glamorous group of retro lovers known as The Northern Tweedsters developed from friendships made in the Manchester Tweed Ride group.
The Tweed Run
Their group was inspired by The Tweed Run, a group bike ride around London where the cyclists dress in retro British cycling attire, tweed in particular.
In this stylish metropolitan bike ride, classic vintage bikes are encouraged in order to recreate the spirit of the era.
The first Tweed Run in London was in 2009 organised by London Fixed Gear and Single Speed. Its since become an annual event, and has been replicated throughout the country and internationally.
All things vintage
The Northern Tweedsters are like-minded souls who have developed a passion for vintage cycling and walking via various routes.
Some are old bicycle collectors, bike restorers and riders; others are lovers of all things vintage – swing-dancing, World War 2 re-enactments, vintage festivals, collecting and wearing vintage clothes.
They informally gather for vintage events – bicycle rides, walks, picnics, anything with a vintage theme. Anyone in the group is free to organise an event and their membership is slowly growing as more followers get to know who they are.
Where it started
Northern Tweedsters was started a year ago by John Wallace and Ian Wardlaw, (his full title is Wingtip Windy Wardlaw, a vintage DJ who goes under the name of A-Train Swing.)
They started their own vintage activities group to broaden their scope of opportunities beyond the Manchester Tweed Ride.
This year, Northern Tweedsters have enjoyed runs along the Weaver Navigation in Cheshire, the Monsall Trail in Derbyshire, from Llandudno to Conwy in North Wales, as well as Tweed Walks in Alderely Edge, Cheshire and Saddleworth, Lancashire.
Tweed Rides and Walks - Vintage style
Although possibilities are limited in the current climate, its a great way to ensure friends meet together regularly. Under normal circumstances the Northern Tweedsters will often be joined by visitors from other parts of the country, as well as meeting up with groups from Southport and Liverpool.
There is also a whole other world of people who love Raleigh 20 shopper bikes, as well as 1970s Raleigh Chopper and Grifter bikes-A world of bike-loving vintage-style individuals!
A warm welcome to the Isle of Man
As soon as restrictions are lifted, we look forward to welcoming John, Ian and their fantastic group of Tweedsters here to the Isle of Man.
It goes without saying that their enthusiasm will be contagious. Who knows, perhaps we will start to see Tweed-donned Manx locals on vintage bikes who have been hiding their outfits away just ready for a group of like-minded bicycle or walking enthusiasts to join.
The Northern Tweedsters, we look forward to welcoming you 🇮🇲.
Seaside Cottages
If you plan to visit the Isle of Man and would like to stay in one of our Seaside Cottages at Palm Villa or Seaview, contact us here or email seasidecottagesiom@gmail.com
Both cottages are fully self catering, sleep 6 each with 3 bedrooms in each cottage, close to Port Erin beach and are dog friendly.
We can cater for a group of up-to 12 in both cottages and they are located close near to one another. See www.seasidecottages.im for further details.
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